Author: Robert Hamill
Meaning, Political Decision
What does it mean when someone claims that it was a political decision? That the power of one group is used to convince another group…
Grand Pursuit by Sylvia Naser
Central banks did not originate the economic boom-or-bust cycle.
On Writing Well – William Zinsser
Subtitle: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction Good, solid advice.
The Waitress on the Red Vespa
There was a fresh person remarked upon at Chincoteague Island: the waitress on the red Vespa. Jonathan Dorsey had been at the beach house since…
Can you think without words?
Yes, you can think without words; but many people are so well-schooled that words overwhelm their non-verbal thoughts.
Creative Writing Feedback
Good feedback from teacher last night on a sample beginning I wrote up. He said that it wasn't clear, soon enough who the main character…
Pat Conroy
My Reading Life by Pat Conroy has some interesting book reports in it. In Gone With the Wind, he tells the story but always against…