Elections and Campaigns
Equally important the election results in representation aligning with the majority's vote.
Robert Hamill
Equally important the election results in representation aligning with the majority's vote.
I learned two lessons that night. 12 times 12 is 144 and theories should be put to the test as soon as possible.
Do you think that Trump’s many years of questioning Obama’s US citizenship was a legitimate concern or actually an insight into Trump’s view of who is a legitimate American?
When my right hand shaking started to affect my hand writing, I converted fairly easily to keyboard writing. I’d been programming a computer since my early 30s. Yet when the shaking worsened and I could…
Blake developed a new status--'The Happy Path'. If your program worked for good data, it was assigned to the Happy Path.
“Corporations are people, too” is double-dipping on citizenship rights. Their leaders already have a vote and the means to voice their opinions.
Financially arranged consolidation is not creative destruction. It is the transfer of assets without pension responsibility