Lockdown Economic Takeaways
Universal healthcare, essential workers wage hike, and corporations reimburse government.
Robert Hamill
Earning a living, investing for retirement, and understanding how world events impact our living standard.
Universal healthcare, essential workers wage hike, and corporations reimburse government.
A dropping oil price inevitably causes the ruble to fall.
Congress should not bailout companies except those associated with satisfying primary needs of people.
If we don't modify the current restrictions, the entire economy will collapse.
The Free Market cluster focuses on relationships between the free market, the operation of the Invisible Hand, and the fallacy of composition.
The past shows that Trump mania is always been followed by ruined associates. Are we, the nation, to be the next associates?
0.75% fall in mid-term bond rates lead to a 8% rise in mid-term values of bonds held
The selection of projects of national interest and the spending to accomplish them affect the nation's GDP more than any single corporation.
We all pay more for less when enterprises violate the integrity of the free market.
In making budgetary decisions, the change in net worth is at least as important as a yearly deficit.