Superstitious Behavior and Uncertainty
Coincidental behaviors lead to ad hoc decisions which fill gaps that partial knowledge, logic and understanding leave open.
Robert Hamill
How does our mind work? How is the mind related to the brain? Is a person’s mind unique to them? In what way are all brains and minds alike?
The four main areas of thinking that I write about. The links below narrow the scope.
Thought Modes
Coincidental behaviors lead to ad hoc decisions which fill gaps that partial knowledge, logic and understanding leave open.
If someone uses scapegoats, you can be sure that someone is trying to manipulate your feelings so that your behavior can be directed by them for their advantage.
One's mental maturity, the age at which a person is able to integrate the full power of their thoughts, is reached more than a decade after puberty.
I am willingly, in fact predisposed, to ignore details, all the while searching for an overall understanding.
When my right hand shaking started to affect my hand writing, I converted fairly easily to keyboard writing. I’d been programming a computer since my early 30s. Yet when the shaking worsened and I could…
A lengthy chain of simple actions can be as hard to gain an understanding of as a short complex action
Significant changes do occur although daily or even yearly the incremental changes are barely noticeable.
What do you know for sure? Knowledge. Immediate, Secondary, and Authority
... the neuron's Almost Gate can be opened by different inputs and yet deliver the same output to downstream neurons