Brainstorm Short Circuit
When my right hand shaking started to affect my hand writing, I converted fairly easily to keyboard writing. I’d been programming a computer since my…
Robert Hamill
When my right hand shaking started to affect my hand writing, I converted fairly easily to keyboard writing. I’d been programming a computer since my…
A lengthy chain of simple actions can be as hard to gain an understanding of as a short complex action
Pattern-matching, like analogy, where we treat partial matches like exact fits. It's possible to make errors. It's possible to jump to a good answer without…
Working Memory is limited - 7 items plus or minus 2. It can be extended by training. Requires mental exercise that strains attention
The pursuit of perfection is fine in the abstract, but let me describe one significant implementation problem that should not be overlooked.
Deduction is the normal operating mode of the left side of the brain, using logic on facts. Induction is the normal operating mode of the…