Category: Non-Fiction
Evaluating Trump – A Baker Dozen Questions
Do you think that Trump’s many years of questioning Obama’s US citizenship was a legitimate concern or actually an insight into Trump’s view of who…
Law of Selfish Action
A selfish action by one person may be good for that person, but if all people make the same decision - it can be bad…
Agents of Human Evolution
Nature experiments more freely in evolution with the male of the species.
Home-Grown Terrorists and Islamic Civil War
There is no American slogan, no bumper sticker logic, to counteract the radical fatwa that captures some members of in-country Moslems.
The Economic Value of Civilization
$237,000 of the American average wealth comes from the societal institutions that support our personal endeavors
Humanist and Deist
There was a political rally of atheists in DC last week. It may me think of my relation to religion and spirituality. Humanism Defined in…
Secession of the Rich
The 1% ignore all the societal benefits that accrue to their position, since they don't use them directly.
Trump’s Tall Tales
Donald Trump’s prejudices plus his insistence that his personal viewpoint must override factual evidence gives him freedom of expression, but to positions that are free…
Trump Is a Bully
Trump’s path is the last one. He forces his opinion, he ignores opinions he dislikes, and attacks people who disagree with him.