Category: Science
How I see daily life is heavily influenced by my scientific background. My knowledge is provisional which means in social and political discourse I use working hypotheses.
Survival of the Fittest
Substitute "propagation of the most fertile" in place of "survival of the fittest" to see if its casual conversational phrase maintains metaphorical sense.
Bicycles and Probability Theory Share a Secret
Secret logic does not reveal all consequences embedded in its premises.
Jungle Rope Solution
Create a test case which depends only the new feature and involves as little as possible of other tool features.
Emergence: Mind from Brain
Almost Gate. Two things, almost the same, get treated as the same.
BGE Bills Show Temperature Rise
In thirty years, the yearly lows and the yearly in middle Maryland are both up about 2 degrees.
Decreasing COVID-19 Fraction of US Deaths
arbinger, as Dr. Fauci intimated, of the pandemic converting to a background disease that we can deal with as we do the yearly flu shot?
Diophantine Solution
A equation relating Halley's Comet, the 17-year cicadas, and the calendar year is a Diophantine equation, an equation which only permits integer solutions.